
41 Insane Facts About Tesla Motors

The case for electric cars may seem clear to many of us, even while the authorities and sworn petrol-heads refuse to see sense. The truth is that we rely on a handful of visionary industrialists and politicians to invest in infrastructure, publicity and incentives while we try to enjoy the benefits and spread the word

Who’s the Number 1 in EV Sales?

Let's see - reasonable guesses would be Nissan, Tesla, Mitsubishi, BMW or even VW. After all those are the manufacturers who grab the headlines in the EV space with the LEAF, Model S & X, iMiEV and hybrid Outlander, the i3 or the e-UP and e-Golf. You would of course be mistaken as it is the

December 29th, 2015|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Porsche on a Mission

  Porsche have committed AUD $1.5 billion for the development of it's Mission E electric sportscar. Unveiled at the Frankfurt Auto show in September the concept vehicle was the toast of the show.  However just a few days later it's parent company's spectacular fall from grace over dieselgate overshadowed any short lived acclaim for the new direction

December 8th, 2015|Tags: , , , |
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