
Malcolm Turnbull visits Tesla

It's been an interesting week in Australian politics with Prime Minister Abbott hogging the limelight for all the wrong reasons.  The farcical notion of an Australian Prime Minister awarding a knighthood to the Queen's husband has dominated the airwaves and rightly called into question the PM's judgement. Not being so highly reported but a story

January 30th, 2015|

Are Autonomous Cars the Canary in the Coalmine?

MEC has reported on the impending revolution of autonomous (self drive/driverless/no driver) vehicles previously.  Already we are seeing the technology built in to existing high end models  such as the Tesla P85D and probably most people are aware of the Google self drive car. The advances in the underlying technology seem to be advancing at a more

Death by Diesel

We've made a point many times about the toxicity of the current global fleet.  Outdoor air pollution, much of which is caused by vehicle exhaust has led to 3.2 million premature deaths worldwide in 2010, 1.2 million of which were in China.  The densely populated cities of India are not faring a great deal better

BYD Biggest Electric Bus

Chinese battery company BYD have announced the worlds largest electric bus  - the articulated or 'bendy' Lancaster ebus.  The bus has been designed and built in the US town of Lancaster and is powered by iron phosphate batteries.  This gives the 18 meter long people mover, a range of around 240kms with a payload of 120

November 13th, 2014|Tags: , , , |

Is Tough Oil too Tough?

Some now suggest that M King Hubberts theory of 'Peak Oil' first developed in the 1950's is dead and buried.  The theory suggested that as oil fields ('easy oil') were discovered and developed the production would meet a peak and then taper off as the oil became increasingly more difficult to extract. With new technologies

$5.8 Billion Aussie Annual Air Pollution Cost

''Given the size of the economic cost of the health effect of air pollution, the benefits of reducing that burden could easily outweigh the monetary cost of investments in more ambitious programs to reduce pollution.'' So reads the latest report from the OECD, called The Cost of Air Pollution: Health Impacts of Road Transport. As

May 23rd, 2014|Tags: , , |
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