
How AI can Improve EVs and Battery Tech

AI has already entered our lives in many ways even before the explosion of AI chat bots and art programs. There's no doubt it will have major social consequences over the coming years and will affect virtually every aspect of society. The potential application for AI is enormous and growing. We asked chatgpt to

August 23rd, 2023|

The Technological Breakthrough in Energy Storage

An opinion blog by MEC as our contribution to the 2017 Engage Global Social Media Competition: Technology for a Sustainable Future. We often hear climate deniers and those opposed to renewable energy state "the wind doesn't blow all the time and the sun doesn't shine at night" as a kind of dismissive mantra on clean energy

January 1st, 2017|

New Zealand Announces EV Incentives

  We've just had an election based budget in Australia and not a mention of climate change.  Our head in the sand government hasn't a clue or is simply bought and paid for by the fossil fuel industry.  Amazing how a few brown paper bags stuffed full of "political bribes donations" can corrupt a democracy.

May 7th, 2016|Tags: , |

EV Best for Environment

  There has been quite a bit of press coverage recently resulting from the study by the  University of Minnesota that had the predictable headlines of "Your all electric car may not be so green" or similar, despite that same study stating the cleanest vehicles are electric cars powered by renewable energy. Funny how some reporters

January 4th, 2015|
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