Air Pollution

VW Fraud Lies & Criminality

In a spectacular example of corporate criminality, VW have admitted to gaming the test results of emissions on a range of diesel vehicles.  When initially confronted with the allegation they denied it and stated that the lab tests must have been flawed.  This calculated deception must have been hatched at the highest levels of management

September 23rd, 2015|Tags: , , , , |

Malcolm Turnbull visits Tesla

It's been an interesting week in Australian politics with Prime Minister Abbott hogging the limelight for all the wrong reasons.  The farcical notion of an Australian Prime Minister awarding a knighthood to the Queen's husband has dominated the airwaves and rightly called into question the PM's judgement. Not being so highly reported but a story

January 30th, 2015|

EV Pollution

A study conducted in the US has come to conclusions which do not sit well with EV ownership depending on the source of energy. If an electric vehicle is powered via a coal powered power station the pollution results are worse than for a gasoline powered  vehicle and cause 86% more deaths due to air pollution.

Death by Diesel

We've made a point many times about the toxicity of the current global fleet.  Outdoor air pollution, much of which is caused by vehicle exhaust has led to 3.2 million premature deaths worldwide in 2010, 1.2 million of which were in China.  The densely populated cities of India are not faring a great deal better

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