Air pollution

$5.8 Billion Aussie Annual Air Pollution Cost

''Given the size of the economic cost of the health effect of air pollution, the benefits of reducing that burden could easily outweigh the monetary cost of investments in more ambitious programs to reduce pollution.'' So reads the latest report from the OECD, called The Cost of Air Pollution: Health Impacts of Road Transport. As

May 23rd, 2014|Tags: , , |

China Declares War on Pollution

Costing an estimated $100 - $300 billion per annum with a death toll of 500,000 per year, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang says he is "declaring war" on pollution.  The costs of premature deaths and health problems was estimated in a joint report undertaken by the World Bank and the Development Research Centre of the State Council.  It

Air Pollution & Autism

Air Pollution & Autism With the recent WHO report stating air pollution is now responsible for more deaths globally than smoking, diabetes and road deaths combined, more research has linked air pollution to autism.  Harvard University researchers in a nationwide US  study "showed that exposure in the womb to diesel, lead, manganese, mercury, methylene

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