FAQ Page

Aren’t electric cars a fire hazard?

Much publicity has been given to the rare instances of EVs catching fire - especially the widely reported fires experienced in Tesla Model S vehicles.  These particular fires resulted from the battery pack being penetrated by road debris which resulted in fires some time after the event - they were not explosive events and

January 13th, 2022|

Electric Cars Myths vs Facts (Video)

The same regurgitated myths about EVs are continually dredged up by various media outlets without regard to actual facts. In this video some of the more blatant myths are explored and de-bunked. It is US based data but the same scenarios apply throughout much of the world and also here in Australia.  

May 31st, 2019|

How much does it cost to charge-up an electric car?

Of course that depends on where you live and the capacity of the vehicle's batteries. For example, the average price for electricity per kilo Watt hour in Australia is about $0.25 and it takes approximately 18 kWh to travel 100kms, so it will cost approximately $4.50 in electricity charges to travel 100kms. The difference between

January 15th, 2014|

Is there enough lithium for a global fleet or will we get Peak Lithium?

This has been suggested as another put down of EVs.  The facts however are pretty clear about the global reserves of lithium and recent studies suggest supplies of Lithium are more than adequate to power the global fleet till at least the end of this century (see Global Lithium Availability: A Constraint for Electric Vehicles

January 15th, 2014|

Aren’t the batteries toxic and will end up in landfill?

The lithium ion batteries favoured for modern electric vehicles (because of their higher energy density and low discharge rates) are recognised as being non hazardous to the environment. They are also fully recyclable (see batteries).

January 15th, 2014|

Don’t electric vehicles simply switch emissions from oil to coal?

Australia's energy mix (2016-2017 figures) comprises 84.3% fossil fuels and 15.7% clean energy.  Coal fired power accounts for 63% of Australia's energy generation (2016-2017) down from 80% in 2000. These figures are not uniform from state to state.  It is fair to say that using grid energy to power an EV will entail using fossil

January 15th, 2014|

How far can electric vehicles travel on a charge?

Some versions of the Tesla Model S have a range of  500kms plus on a single charge. With a recent drive train update (April 2019) new Model S & X vehicles will increase their range to around 600kms without any increase in battery size.  Many of the newer EV models boast a range over 300kms

January 14th, 2014|

When will electric cars be available in Australia?

With increased awareness of recent years most people know EVs are already here but in limited models.  The Tesla Model S is here and the Tesla Model X arrived in February 2017. The Tesla Model 3 arrived in 2019. The Nissan Leaf and Mistubishi MiEV pure electric models are available but now as second hand

January 14th, 2014|

Aren’t electric cars expensive?

Electric cars are generally more expensive to purchase than their petrol or diesel equivalents. This is mainly due to expenses related to efficiencies of scale and the cost of the batteries. As scale production of electric vehicles has increased and battery costs reduced the cost of electric cars has come down. Lithium battery prices have

January 14th, 2014|

Why electric cars?

There are a number of compelling benefits to electric cars over conventional petrol/diesel vehicles. These include a vast improvement in air quality in our cities. Reduction in health costs caused by air pollution. Less noise pollution. Less CO2 into the atmosphere. Less poisonous and cancer causing emissions in our cities. Electric cars are also much

January 14th, 2014|
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