Of course that depends on where you live and the capacity of the vehicle’s batteries. For example, the average price for electricity per kilo Watt hour in Australia is about $0.25 and it takes approximately 18 kWh to travel 100kms, so it will cost approximately $4.50 in electricity charges to travel 100kms. The difference between peak and off-peak rates should be considered e.g. in Victoria peak is around 50c/kWh whereas off peak is around 21c/kWh.

In comparison, the average petrol car in Australia uses 11.1 litres of fuel to travel 100kms (Aus. Bureau of Statistics). That’s a cost of $16.65 to travel 100kms at $1.50 per litre. Even a very efficient diesel vehicle (5 litres per 100kms) will cost $7.50 (note that manufacturer claims of fuel efficiency have been subject to scrutiny in recent times as real world driving tends to use considerably more fuel).  See our calculator to work out how much you could save on fuel costs by switching to an EV.